lunes, octubre 01, 2007

make me a star


Hace ya muchas lunas, muchas... era un adolecente aun, recuerdo que estabamos en la que hoy es casa de Chuyo, escuchando musica, tomando cervezas... y una rola me llamo la atencion, despues aprendi que eran los Dead Kennedys, y varias de sus rolas y estilo propio me gusto un chingo. Pasaron los años, y la memoria mermó, al comenzar el Arse tenia frescas un par de rolas, "Kinky sex makes the world go 'round" y "Somebody is gonna have his head kicked tonight", pero aquella rola divertida al ritmo de "My Sharona" nunca la volvi a escuchar.
Lo se, al comprar cds, siempre buscaba algo que me recordara su nombre, pero nomas no, y dejaba para despues el pepenar un cd de DK.

En un momento obsesivo de completar las portadas de los discos que tengo en mi iTunes, llegue a las rolas de DK, y con ello descubri la historia de esa rola que me divirtio tanto en aquella epoca. Aqui les comparto la historia:

On March 25, 1980, the DKs were invited to perform at the Bay Area Music Awards in front of music industry bigwigs to give the event some
"New Wave credibility", in the words of the organizers. The day of the show was spent practicing the song they were asked to play, the underground hit, "California Über Alles." In typically subversive, perverse style, the band became the talking point of the ceremony when after about 15 seconds into the song, Biafra said, "Hold it! We've gotta prove that we're adults now. We're not a punk rock band, we're a new wave band."
The band, who all wore white shirts with a big, black S painted on the front, pulled black ties from around the backs of their necks to form a dollar sign, then started playing a new song "Pull My Strings", a barbed, satirical attack on the ethics of the mainstream music industry. which contained the lyrics, "Is my cock big enough, is my brain small enough, for you to make me a star?". The song also referenced The Knack's biggest New Wave hit, "My Sharona". The song was never recorded in the studio but this performance, the first and only time the song was ever performed, was released on the posthumous compilation album Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death. The band was never invited to play the awards show again.

Mi busqueda habia llegado a su fin.
Aqui esta la rola en cuestion:

DK-Pull my Strings

rock on!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Uórale... interesante el contexto e historia de la rola.